It's a tough decision. You grew some bangs. You changed your hair. You just want to do something different. So you say, "That's it I'm going to buck up and get some new pictures."Where do you start?
1. Don't go where your friends went, unless your friends look like you.
2. Go onto Argentum, they list all the photographers and have links to all their websites.
3. Look for pictures of people LIKE you. Maybe they do edgy really well. Maybe they do girl next door. Maybe their commercial shots are outstanding. What do you need? Look for that.
4. Absolutely demand a meeting. Anyone that won't take a meeting with you isn't worth your time.
5. Take all your old headshots for them to look at, tell them what you liked, didn't like, what you're trying to do differentl. The more specific you can be, the better job they will do. Think about going to the hairdresser, if you say cut it, who knows what they'll do, go in with ten different pictures from magazines, chances are they'll do a better job of what you want.
6. If you don't like them, don't shoot with them! This town does not have time or space for feeling nice or guilty. Move on.
7. If they're too expensive really think if you need three looks, can you make it work with just two? Can you be specific enough and clear enough to get it done with two?
8. Ladies do not skimp on hair and makeup. It's just not worth it.
9. The day of, just go and have fun, and stay focused on your goal. If you see a test shot and it's not right, speak up, it's your money!
Next..... how to pick the headshot.
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